Meet Michael
Michael Chew is a Constitutional Conservative who serves YOU and not the establishment. Mike will fight to make sure the voices of Precinct 1417 - Island Woods, Rivers End, Williamson River Ranch, Hidden Island, Laguna Pointe, and Lakemoor will be heard in the Ada County Republican Central Committee.
Grass Roots Representation
He feels that change occurs at the local level starting with “grass roots” representation. Michael served as an Alternate Committeeman in 2023 and was elected Precinct Committeeman in May of 2024. Michael has attended and represented Precinct 1417 at every Ada County Republican Central Committee and District 14 meeting. His vote helped pass new rules and resolutions making our local GOP leaders accountable and fiscally responsible to the body they serve.
Volunteering is the key to maintaining and promoting conservative values in Ada County and Idaho. Mike regularly serves as an election poll worker, volunteered as the Check-In Clerk for Precinct 1417 at the Republican Presidential Preference Caucus, served as an Alternate Delegate at the 2022 Idaho State Republican Convention and Delegate in the 2024 State Republican Convention, volunteers at the Ada County Republican Party booth at the Idaho Western Fair, and has walked Precinct 1417 (and other Precincts in Ada County) to support conservative city, county, and state candidates.
Background & Family
Michael is real estate broker and commercial property manager with a bachelor’s degree in economics from San Diego State University. Mike has been married to the love of his life, Heidi, for over 26 years and together they have two wonderful sons - Joshua 23 and Kyle 21. Together, they understand the challenges of balancing faith, family, and work.
As California natives, Mike and his family fled the once "golden state" in 2017 seeking a state that values faith, freedom, meritocracy, and free market capitalism. That state is Idaho, and Mike is passionate about fighting against the socialist/communist policies that are seeping into our state.
Please support Michael Chew as your next Precinct 1417 Committeeman.